The Sand Runner Series
A near-future dystopian action adventure about extreme racing and bionic technology, with a love story at its core. For young adults and the young-at-heart.
- Sand Runner - Book 1 (2017)
- Cage Runner - Book 2 (2018)
- Ghost Runner - Book 3 (2019)
The Ever After Series
A contemporary romance about first love, high school theater, and the courage to break the rules. Set in a small town in Pennsylvania, with elements of a retelling. For young adults and the young-at-heart.
- The Misfit and The Beast - Book 1 (2023)
Short fiction
In reverse chronological order.
- Apartment Wars (forthcoming). (Retro science fiction, 19990 words.)
- A Real Basket Case (forthcoming). (Mystery/caper, 7200 words.)
- Consumed (2024). (Biopunk, 6480 words.) First published in HyphenPunk, Issue 11, March 2024.
issues/issue-11/consumed / - Fly Straight And Don’t Get Eaten (2023). (Science fiction/ solarpunk/ hopepunk, 6790 words.) First published in Analog Science Fiction & Fact, Vol. 93, No. 9 & 10, September/October 2023.
- Analog story podcast, read by the author.
- Super Crones (2023). (Science fiction/ solarpunk/ cronepunk, 3800 words.) First published in Utopia Science Fiction Magazine, Volume 5, Issue 1, August/September 2023.
- Scales (2023). (Science fiction, 990 words.) First published in Factor Four Magazine, Issue 20, February 2023.
- If You Love Him, Hide The Grave (2023). (Science fiction, 1310 words.) First published in Radon Journal, Issue 3, January 2023.
- How To Keep Your Cool If You’re A Mech First Day On The Job (2022). (Science fiction/ solarpunk/ hopepunk, 8800 words.) First published in The Colored Lens, Issue 43, Spring 2022.
- Reprint and story podcast in Escape Pod. Part 1 in Escape Pod 943 (March 30, 2024): Part 2 in Escape Pod 944 (June 2, 2024): Both narrated by Ibba Armancas, hosted by Alasdair Stuart, and produced by Adam Pracht.
- The Kiss (2021). (Paranormal love story, 11500 words.) Self-published. Available as ebook and paperback.
- Music Therapy (2021). (Science fiction, 9950 words.) First published in Aphelion, Issue 267, November 2021.
- Of Bugs, Debts, And Distant Planets (2021). (Science fiction, 995 words.) First published in Fifth Di Magazine, June 2021.
- Reprint and story podcast in Cast of Wonders 502: Little Wonders 34 - Separation & Connection, August 2022.
- Translated into Chinese in Science Fiction World (Children), 2023.
- Mira (2021). (Science fiction/ biopunk, 1350 words.) First published in Hyphen Punk, Issue 1, June 2021.
- The Opposite of Luck (2019). (New adult, paranormal romantic suspense, 7490 words.) Self-published. Available as ebook.
- How Drea Got An (Almost New) Arm (2019). (Young adult, science fiction, 3190 words.) Self-published. Available as ebook.
- Rex (2017). (Young adult, science fiction, 6960 words.) Self-published. Available as ebook and audiobook.
- Look at Me (2016). (Young adult, science fiction, 3485 words.) First published in Youth Imagination Magazine, Issue 43, December 2016.
- Six Great Reasons to Write Short Fiction (2022). A guest blog post. April 2022.